
来源:时间:2021-06-13 19:41:05




1. 一般现在时  He drinks five glasses of wine a day.  他一天喝5杯葡萄酒。

2. 现在进行时  He is drinking wine in a bathtub(while the cat is watching him washing his hair).  他正躺在浴缸里喝着葡萄酒,而喵星人在一旁看着他洗头。

3. 现在完成时  Jeffery has drunk three glasses of wine on the beach this afternoon.  今天下午在沙滩上,杰弗里整整喝完了三杯葡萄酒。

4. 现在完成进行时  I have been drinking wine through a straw.  瞧这照片,我正用吸管喝着葡萄酒呢!

5. 一般过去时  Peter drank a small glass of red wine.  皮特将一小杯红酒一饮而尽。

6. 过去进行时  She was drinking some red wine when everyone else at the table started laughing.  餐桌上的其他人都在谈笑风生时,唯独她一人正独酌着。

7. 过去完成时  We had drunk all the wine before we opened our eyes.  一眨眼功夫,我们就将所有的酒一饮而尽了。

8. 过去完成进行时  We had been drinking wine for two hours when my wife walked into the restaurant.  我老婆来的时候,我们已经在这家餐厅喝了2个小时的酒了。

9. 一般将来时  She will not drink Champagne.  她是不会喝香槟的。

10. 将来进行时  This time tomorrow we will be drinking Champagne.  明天的这个时候,我们就喝着香槟happy啦!

11. 将来完成时  She will have drunk three bottles of wine by the end of the evening.  明晚之前,她将把这三瓶酒全部喝完。

12. 一般将来时(going to)  Roberto is going to drink wine with his pasta.  罗伯特喜欢用意面配酒。

13. 条件句(一)  If my wife drinks wine, I will too.  我老婆喝,我就喝。

14. 条件句(二)  They would be drinking wine if he owned a nicer bicycle and she put down the pan.  如果他有一辆更好的自行车,而她也放下煎锅,那么他们这会儿也许正喝着小酒呢!

15. 条件句(三)  She would have drunk wine but there was no corkscrew in her wicker basket.  本来她都已经把这瓶酒自己干了的,可苦于没有开瓶器呀!

