
来源:时间:2021-06-04 10:41:04


1月11日晚8点,红酒世界再次携手亚洲首位葡萄酒大师李志延(Jeannie Cho Lee MW)带各位葡萄酒爱好者走近美国纳帕谷(Napa Valley)。从纳帕谷葡萄酒的历史到葡萄酒品鉴,大师在短短一个小时内带大家认识了这个新世界的明星。


直播结束之后,李志延大师专门抽空回答了一些葡萄酒爱好者们关于纳帕谷的问题。以下为本次直播的部分精选问题:  1. 可以简单介绍下纳帕谷如今的酿酒趋势吗?  答:10-15年前,纳帕谷更加注重葡萄酒的集中度和浓郁度,酿造出来的葡萄酒展示出馥郁的成熟风味。如今纳帕谷的酿酒师在酿酒过程中更加注重平衡。因此,人们开始更多地使用重力流法(取代水泵),更为轻柔地处理葡萄果实,缩短浸皮时间,并且更多地采用天然酿酒方式(比如不使用成品酵母、不使用添加剂来提炼葡萄酒的风味和颜色等)。  李志延原文:Winemaking is shifting towards a more balanced approach compared to 10-15 years ago where focus was on concentration, intense extraction and ripe fruit flavors. Thus some of the trends in winemaking is to use more gravity flow (versus pumping), gentle handling of the fruit, less intense maceration and more natural winemaking (no packaged yeast, additives that extract flavor or color, etc).  2. 对于一个初到纳帕谷的葡萄酒爱好者,有什么特别值得一去的酒庄么?  答:纳帕谷值得去的酒庄很多,我个人最喜欢的酒庄包括作品一号酒庄(Opus One Winery)、蒙大维酒庄(Robert Mondavi Winery)、柏里欧酒庄(Beaulieu Vineyard)、鹦歌酒庄(Inglenook)、佳慕酒庄(Caymus Vineyards)、蒙特莱那酒庄(Chateau Montelena Winery)、科里森酒庄(Corison)、香桐酒庄(Domaine Chandon)、赫兹酒窖(Heitz Cellar)和纽顿酒庄(Newton Vineyard)。  李志延原文:There are so many, but my favorites include Opus One, Mondavi, Beaulieu Vineyard, Inglenook, Caymus, Chateau Montelena, Corison, Chandon, Heitz, Newton.  3. 纳帕谷的葡萄酒为何普遍价格较为高昂?另外,您是如何定义膜拜酒(Cult Wines)的?  答:纳帕谷价格高昂主要是因为这里的土地地价高,此外劳动力的成本也很高。当然,这也是因为供求关系的影响——市场上纳帕谷优质葡萄酒供不应求(美国富人阶层的需求量大)。膜拜酒是一种高级优质、最受人们追捧的加州(Californian)葡萄酒。其产量极少,每年产量仅为几千箱,有时候甚至更少。  李志延原文:Napa is expensive because of the high cost of the land plus the expensive labor costs. Also it is supply and demand – supply is limited given the high demand from wealthy Americans for the best Napa wines. Cult wines are the super premium, most in demand Californian wines that are made in very small quantities, usually only several thousand cases per year or less.  4. 对于纳帕谷而言,2012和2013年份都是伟大年份,那么这两个年份纳帕谷所出产的葡萄酒有何异同点呢?  答:2012年份的纳帕谷葡萄酒口感更丰富,质地更华美;而2013年份则展示出更多的单宁特征,结构佳,需要更多时间来绽放。两个年份都很棒,拥有各自独特的风格。  李志延原文:2012 is more generous, sumptuous in texture while 2013 is more tannic and structured and will need more time to open up. Both are fantastic vintages with 2 different personalities.  5. 纳帕谷红酒马拉松(Napa Valley Marathon)将在三月举行,您会参加吗?您有参加过哪些有趣的关于红酒的马拉松呢?  答:我想我不会参加三月的纳帕谷红酒马拉松,因为我并不擅长跑步。但我希望能够去观看这场赛事。  李志延原文:I will not take part in the Napa marathon and I hope to take part mostly as a voyeur since I am a terrible runner.  6. 您觉得纳帕谷马拉松对推广其葡萄酒是否有所帮助?若有,会表现在哪些方面?  答:马拉松吸引了更多的人去纳帕谷,让更多不同类型的游客齐聚一堂。此外,对于参与者来说,马拉松是亲自体验纳帕谷美景的一个好机会,同时也可以参观不同的纳帕谷酒庄。  李志延原文:The marathon brings people to Napa who may not normally visit so it expands the type and number of visitors. The marathon is also a good way to see how beautiful the landscape is in person and also visit many wineries at the same time.  7. 同样是赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon),在酿酒工艺上,纳帕谷葡萄酒与波尔多(Bordeaux)的葡萄酒有什么不同?  答:其实两地的酿酒工艺很相似。比如浸皮技术和使用橡木桶熟化的方式几乎相同——真正的不同在于混酿。波尔多的葡萄酒以混酿为主,而纳帕谷的葡萄酒较少采用混酿。  李志延原文:Winemaking techniques pretty much remain the same in both regions. The maceration techniques, the aging in barrel are pretty much identical – the difference comes in the blending. Bordeaux wines are always blended whereas Napa wines are only sometime blended with other varieties.  8. 我个人比较喜欢带明显花香的白葡萄酒,请问2014年石街酒庄长相思白葡萄酒(2014 Stonestreet Estate Vineyards Sauvignon Blanc)和2014年菲玛修道院酒庄霞多丽白葡萄酒(2014 Freemark Abbey Winery Chardonnay)哪一款更适合我呢?  答:我会建议你尝试霞多丽——因为长相思更多地展示出草本气息而不是花香。虽然霞多丽也并非花香馥郁,但菲玛修道院酒庄霞多丽白葡萄酒带有诱人的桃子和杏子气息,层次丰富,十分美味。  李志延原文:I would suggest you try the Chardonnay – the Sauvignon Blanc is a bit herbaceous rather than floral and while the Chardonnay is not exactly floral, there are attractive peach and apricot notes on this wine to make it layered and delicious.  9. 与其它地区相比,纳帕谷的单一品种赤霞珠葡萄酒有什么魅力?  答:纳帕谷的单一品种赤霞珠葡萄酒口感丰富圆润,质地丝滑,单宁华美,架构紧致。这样的葡萄酒在年轻时已经诱人,同时还具有不错的陈年潜力。  李志延原文:Napa Cabs are generous, round, velvety in texture with sumptuous tannins and firm structure. This means the wines have aging potential as well as appeal as a young wine.  10. 您认为纳帕谷的仙粉黛(Zinfandel)及其葡萄酒如何?  答:纳帕谷种植着十分优质的仙粉黛葡萄——在位于山坡的葡萄园中你会发现一些老藤仙粉黛。在纳帕谷,超过100多家酒庄都会使用仙粉黛酿造葡萄酒,我个人喜欢的酒庄有蛙跃酒庄(Frogs Leap)、戴利酒庄(Turley Wine Cellars)、黑骏马酒庄(Black Stallion Winery)、佳慕酒庄、蒙特莱那酒庄、菲玛修道院酒庄(Freemark Abbey Winery)、赫兹酒窖和银朵酒庄(Silverado Vineyards)。  李志延原文:There are excellent Zinfandels in Napa – look for hillside plantings where old vine Zin can be found. Zinfandel is made throughout Napa by around 100 different producers. Some of my favorites include Frogs Leap, Turley, Black Stallion, Caymus, Montelena, Freemark Abbey, Heitz, Silverado.  欲回顾李志延大师的直播,各位读者可进入发现纳帕谷葡萄酒专栏,重温大师风采!
